Thursday, September 15, 2011

Navigate (John 14:1-31)

Hey ladies,

The word of the day is “navigate.” By this time you are prolly getting settled in and know what your weeks are going to look like. Your obligations are becoming clear and you know what parts of the school year you are and are not excited about. As you put everything in your calendar and get ready for a great year and season, my encouragement is that you take special care of that schedule. Do you know what you have to get done? Can you prioritize your week and still leave time for play and relaxation. If you do not look ahead now, chances of burning out increase.

Planning is important. Jesus laid out a plan for the future, as he has promised to prepare a place for each of us who call him Lord (v.1-4). That is rad! Jesus knew that his followers dealt with stress and anxiety and all the other stuff that came with daily life. Yet he told them to not be troubled and believe in him. That is a pretty bold statement to make. But I guess JC was a pretty bold dude.

What is it that you can do to not only add God to your schedule, but to let the Spirit permeate your daily activities? Are you navigating well these first couple of weeks in the year? Navigating well this season will take constant tweaking of your priorities and time. I pray that God gives you peace this year, as promised in the Word (v.27).

Praying for you,


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