Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Riposte (Matthew 23:13-33)

Good morning ladies,

The word of the day is “riposte.”  Jesus was no stranger to ridicule.  I remember first reading about his encounters with the old skool teachers of the law.  I was like, why does it seem like these dudes have it out for JC??? The stuff that they said to him and about him was rude and inconsistent with what they were teaching others who were supposed to be Godly.  The cool part is that JC did not back down, but instead addressed the Pharisees directly, not giving into their games and shenanigans.

“You Pharisees and teachers of the Law of Moses are in for trouble! You’re nothing but show-offs.”
~Matt 23:15

My question is: do you feel confident in the faith that you have?  God does not expect you to have a perfect faith walk, but he does expect that you do your best to improve daily.  I have found the more that I trust in God's word, the less I feel like I need to defend my faith.  I really kind of just let God's word defend itself.  I realize that it is not my actions that move the hearts of others, but God's word working through me.  You can take heart that God will do the same in your life.  Remember to look towards him and allow Jesus to handle the riposte responses needed to defend the faith.

Praying for you,


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