Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wroth (Proverbs 10:25)

Good morning ladies,

The word of the day is “wroth.”  Nobody said that life was going to be easy.  In fact, I would say that most people understand that life is going to have a ton of stuff in it that causes pain, trials, and tribulation.  The writer here in Proverbs also understood that life would have its ups and downs.

When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.
~Pr. 10:25

My question is: where are you when the whirlwind passes?  A lot of times we get caught up in everything that's going on in life, and we forget to realize that it is the foundation inside of us that allows for us to get through tough times. I told my church the other day that I have a hard enough time getting through trials and tribulations now… and I have Jesus on my side!  I could imagine what it is to be without a higher being with whom to walk these crazy tribulations.  My prayer is that each of you remembers that even during the most intense and wroth circumstances of life, God will continue to let you prevail, as you stand upon his foundation.

Praying for you,


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